Videoconferencia de Joske Bunders y Jacqueline Broerse

Seminario En_Clave Inter


Informamos que, en el marco de las actividades programadas en el Seminario En_Clave Inter «Procesos, contextos y resultados del trabajo interdisciplinario», las profesoras Joske Bunders y Jacqueline Broerse, dictarán una videoconferencia el jueves 25 de octubre, de 14:00 a 16:00 hs. en el Espacio Interdisciplinario (José E. Rodó 1843).

Joske Bunders y Jacqueline Broerse son destacadas exponentes de la investigación sobre procesos transdisciplinarios del Athena Intitute, University of Amsterdam, quienes formaron parte del desarrollo de la metodología Interactive Learning and Action, (ILA).

La videoconferencia contará con traducción simultánea, por lo cual se solicita inscripción previa enviando un correo a [email protected]

El Espacio Interdisciplinario invita a todos los interesados a participar de las demás actividades del Seminario, que se pueden conocer AQUÍ:


In the 80s there was a policy discussion in the Netherlands on the role of universities in innovation and the dilemmas, which emerge when integrating science and technology in society (amongst other Colingridge dilemma). A concern in the policy document that resulted from this discussion was that a lot of scientific results were not used in society and if the results were used many stakeholders (e.g. patient organizations, resource-poor) were not involved in the research and innovation process and more importantly often did not benefit. Within the Athena Institute (then named Department Biology & Society), Joske Bunders and Jacqueline Broerse took the initiative of a research program to investigate how transdisciplinary research could be organized in such a way that it resulted in viable academic outputs that could be published in international peer-reviewed journals as well as lead to interventions in society that were addressing complex societal problems. Originally the focus was on biotechnology and resource-poor farmers in developing countries. Later the methodology has also been used in the health sector. Nowadays, the developed methodology – the Interactive Learning and Action approach – is used in many countries to develop research programs, new institutions and policies, often in combination. In the presentation we will discuss why we need explicit transdisciplinary methodologies and how to execute these methodologies. We give examples of some of our projects, and talk about the role of transdisciplinarity in our university.